
With winter in full swing, homeowners have plenty of time to consider a decorative and harmless bird deterrent for their waterfront before we roll forward into summer. Those that have waterfront property, whether business or residential, know that when geese come back for the summer, they can often leave a big mess day after day. With the installation of a Dori Pole, you can protect your most important areas in while birds are here for warmer weather in a harmless way that won’t intrude on your space.

Harmless bird deterrents that work

Offering a full bird deterrent kit that comes with a 14-foot-long pennant and 19-foot-long pole, we have found that this combination of Dori Pole products has the best results when it comes to a harmless bird deterrent for your space. Our customers include those who have lived on lakefront property, golf course owners that want to protect the green, and more. All of them attribute their reduction in problems with geese and other pest birds to the installation of their Dori Pole. And, because of the easy installation of your Dori Pole, you can put yours up with little effort year after year to ensure your waterfront spaces are kept clear of birds and their mess.

Find your Dori Pole style

Just because you may be limited by size of your Dori Pole and pennant for the most effective bird deterrent doesn’t mean that you are limited by the color you are able to fly. Dori Pole offers a large variety of pennants for customers to choose from, including single color, two-color, and custom color options. Whether you fly colors of your home country, your favorite team, or even just your favorite color, there are an endless number of color combinations that you can take advantage of with Dori Pole. And, with different holidays and seasons, you can change out your Dori Pole pennant to match and give your waterfront the best decorations around while keeping birds off it.

With a swiveling design that is lightweight and easy to manage, Dori Pole is the perfect bird deterrent system for those on the waterfront to consider for summer while snow still falls this winter. If you want to learn more about how our Dori Pole system works and how it keeps your waterfront clear of birds, contact our team by giving us a call today!

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